Saturday, September 03, 2005

Arrival in Bali

Word of the week: overwhelming!! A new town, new customs, a new language...damn. My tiny town is called Tabanan, but I am part of a smaller neighborhood called Jambe. It's definitely nothing like the touristy Bali that everyone gushes about simply because there are no tourists. It's very beautiful though. To explain, I'll break up my new experiences into categories:

HOUSE: My house is somewhat traditional Balinese style. The main part is one pavilion under a roof but open and without walls. On this pavilion there are two enclosed bedrooms and an open tiled-floor living room-type area. The kamar mandi (bathroom fully equipped with a flushing toilet and cold water shower) is another room and the tiny, dark kitchen is behind it. Off of the main pavilion I have a ping pong table and a bale which is a traditional sitting/relaxing area on a raised platform under a thatched roof. I'm lucky because it was already furnished for the most part. My house is right in front of a nice soccer field/park, so I can spend the afternoon watching kids play soccer.

PEOPLE: I have been taken in by Ibu Made, one of the English teachers at my school. She has been most helpful taking me around to buy everything for my house (stereo, water dispenser, etc.) as well as took me clothes shopping for more appropriate outfits for school. Her husband is incredibly nice and doesn't get much work as a iron welder so he stays at home a lot. Their daughter just left to go to college in Bandung so her husband told me I'm invited over anytime because there is now an empty place at the dinner table. As far as other people I know, there's just my neighbor/landlord whose son in a student at my school. There are two girls a little younger than me who work at their house work and also help out at mine so I've gotten to know them as well. One of them is my age so we've chatted albeit with our dictionaries in hand. Otherwise I'm anxious to get to know other people my age in the area.

SCHOOL: I went to observe today (they have school on Saturday). I will return on Monday and then I have Tuesday off. Everyone at the school is very kind and they all want me to help them learn English. I said I would also like for them to teach me Bahasa Indonesia.

In all, things are okay for now. Today I ventured out of my house and walked the short journey to the one-street city center where there are some shops and warungs (small eating places) and street vendors. I have no transportation and there are few mini-buses and no taxis so walking is key. I want to go to the big city, Denpasar, tomorrow, but everyone is worried about me traveling alone. I think they're just worried about me being by myself in general, but I think I'll be fine.

Oh, cute little anecdote: today while visiting my first class I introduced myself in front of the students and they asked me questions. I went to write my name on the board and then erased some of the white board pen with my hand and then touched my face and unknowingly had a mini mustache that the students were all laughing at. And I had no idea! And then Ibu Made came over and wiped it off with a handkercheif in a very motherly fashion. I felt that I had already lost all of their respect but I gracefully recovered and kept my ground.

Anyway, time to go find dinner at a stall. Though I have a fully stocked kitchen, cooking really isn't as easy as it seems. I just gotta make sure I know all the correct words for food...